Learning German- Swiss Mrs

Uncategorized Dec 02, 2021

I can’t learn German fast enough.

  • Today I was completely humbled as did 2 loads of laundry only to realize I had “washed them” with fabric softener and not soap. 
  • Next, I purchased what I thought were dishwasher pods, then, to my surprise there was a small picture of washing machine on the back of the box. This meant another trip to the grocery store. 
  • Grocery shopping which typically I can do unconsciously and at lightning speed, ended up taking half of a day, as I had to decipher the products by pictures or use google translate.
  • I cooked my first meal using a metric system oven and google translated the back of the bag of spätzli.  It got two thumbs up from the boys, they said it was köstlich (delicious).

While I have started my Deutsch tutoring, I can tell you my name, where I live, where I am from all of the greetings as well as the most important word you can say when adapting to the Swiss culture, which is Entschuldigung (sorry). Leading with “sorry “is a great way to connect with the Swiss (especially if you mistakenly take a lady’s empty shopping cart). What I have noticed is that it is soaking in I started to dream in German. I am also grateful for my German teacher. 


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