Daily Life Edition Swiss Mrs Show

Uncategorized Dec 02, 2021

Daily Life Edition 

Food, transportation & recycling “oh my” 

Here is what I have experienced in “markets” category. 

  • Food: There are two main grocery stores which are also the largest chains in Switzerland Migros (the largest) & Coop. The main difference as I see it is that Migros does not sell alcohol in the stores  while Coop does. Conveniently, there is usually a Denner next to Migros which is owned Migros and does have alcohol.  Coop is said to be “higher quality” also has some brands that you can’t get elsewhere (kind of like Whole Foods 365) . There is a health food store called Alnatura that is also owned by Migros.
  • Coupled with my tiny icebox freezer and feeding two boys, I end up at the market daily, so I enjoy mixing it up between the two markets. My German tutor shopped with me, I ordered Salmon at the fisch counter. It took me what felt like 15 minutes to order the Salmon, fumbling through my notes, the employee behind the counter was  patient with me & appreciated my effort

Ich möchte fünfhundert Gramm der Lachs bitte (I would like 500 grams of Salmon please)

  • I have started to learn to read the German labels for carbohydrates (kohiemhydrate), fat (fett), protein (Eiweiss) and fiber (nahrungsfaser), I love how the calories are called Energie, this is such a positive way to look at our sustenance.
  • I also always have 1 franc on me in order to put the deposit in for my shopping cart. (You only forget the franc once)  If a cart is empty looking vacant…….it is NOT , it belongs to a Swiss woman who will not be happy with you taking it (you will only take a “vacant cart” once. 
  • Eggs are not where you expect them, they are fresh and kept in a regular isle.
  • The food is very fresh, if you take a long weekend trip you will come back to a 5th grade science experiment. In fact, for some foods there are two dates on them, A. Sell by and B. Consume by.
  • You are wondering about Amazon?? Apparently, you can get some products via Amazon Germany, but really it is not the Amazon we know in the US and YES! I do miss it LOL!  We do have Galaxus which is the most “like” Amazon, guess who owns it….. Yup, you guessed it Migros!

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