Awe walking

Uncategorized Dec 01, 2021

Have you “awe” walked lately?

Walking improves both your psychological and physical health.

There is a great way to practice mindfulness and increase your physical activity, it is called an Awe Walk. An “Awe walk “is a mindfulness practice that shifts your attention from the internal to the external. This walk can be as short at 15 minutes with the purpose of taking in your surroundings in a focused way this includes utilizes your senses like, sight, smell, sound and even touch. Take a few breaths to center yourself and then begin to take is the surroundings and looking at it with awe and wonder. “Awe” is recognizing something that is larger than you from a metaphoric sense, looking at the world with wonder, reverence and admiration. The feeling of awe is a positive emotion, by feeling positive emotions our mood becomes elevated, our perspective broadens and we feel happier.  Both Awe and walking produce “happy hormones” put them together and it is a double boost.


I am in the early stages on establishing my routine in Luzern. With the kids in school this week, it has been easier to solidify. For this week’s morning walks the emphasis has been on mindfulness and “awe walks”. Being in Switzerland the “awe” definitely comes easily.

Week 1: Light Reflections Theme

▪️Take anywhere from a 10 to 60 minute walk focusing on your breath as you begin.

▪️Begin to notice  the area in which you are walking, trees, houses, people, city lights, animals, sidewalks etc.

▪️Now as you walk start to notice light and the reflections throughout. As you continue to notice highlights and shades, pick 3 spots to pause and perhaps snap a photo.

▪️Lastly, reflect in how you feel after the exercise. Bonus: you can revisit you pictures throughout the day.


Week 2:  Color Theme


My favorite flower is a Hydrangea, the actual pigment (varying pinks, blue, and purple) of the flower is determined by the Ph of the soil (with the exception of the white hydrangeas). 

This week’s theme is color:


  • Take anywhere from a 10 to 60 minute walk focusing on your breath as you begin.
  • Begin to notice the area in which you are walking, trees, houses, people, city lights, animals, sidewalks etc.
  • Now as you walk start to notice the colors in your environment.  Then, allow eyes to pick up contrasting, vibrant, complimentary, and similar hues. You can choose a couple inspiring spots to take a picture. 
  • Lastly, reflect on how you feel after the exercise. Bonus: you can revisit you pictures throughout the day. 

50% Complete

Two Step

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