Awakening Authenticity: Overcoming Struggles and Embracing Conscious Living

Episode #70

In this episode of “Learned it from an 80s Song”, we dive deep into the journey of Neil Seligman, a true pioneer in the consciousness space and the Founder of The Conscious Professional. He is an acclaimed author and influential figure on the speaking circuit.  Get ready to be inspired as Neil shares his personal story of growth, self-discovery, and the power of authenticity. We will also learn about Neil’s groundbreaking sound healing app, SAXON, which connects individuals with their inner wisdom and potential, offering a unique spiritual technology that empowers personal transformation.

In this episode, you will learn these “totally rad” tips”:

  • How to find the Path to Conscious Leadership: Learn the key principles and practices that underpin conscious leadership, fostering resilience, compassion, and authenticity in both personal and professional realms.
  • How to cultivate mindfulness and Wisdom: Explore Neil’s expertise in mindfulness as he shares practical techniques for integrating mindfulness into everyday life. Discover the power of presence, deep listening, and self-awareness in unlocking your true potential and becoming a catalyst for positive change.
  • How to embrace transformation: Gain valuable insights on the importance of embracing transformation and evolving in the face of challenges.

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