Faith, Hope, and the Power of Tomorrow

Episode #73

John Doran, a seasoned educator and TED speaker with over 30 years of experience is dedicated to leveraging the transformative power of education to disrupt poverty and empower young individuals. As the author of ‘The Ways to Well-Being’ and the creator of the SMART Training Programme, he speaks internationally on resilience, emotional intelligence, workplace well-being, stress management, and performance optimization, impacting audiences ranging from management bodies to students.

In this episode, you will learn these “totally rad” tips:

  • How to turn impossible dreams into a reality: John reflects on his upbringing, where the scarcity of money made higher education seem like an impossible dream. Enter his mother, a true "possibilitarian who said five words that changed his life.
  • How by teaching hope for the future empowers the present. Discover how faith and resilience helped him overcome obstacles and transform his circumstances.
  • Learn how VIA Character strengths and a positive outlook contribute to overall well-being.
  • Learn specific tools that can help build resilience. This will help support the belief that things can get better on the other side of any experience.

*🔗 Connect with John Doran:

Watch his Ted Talk:


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